Category Archives: Press Releases

Free Jerry DeLemus Rally April 29th

Free Jerry DeLemus Rally


Concord (April 18, 2017) – Join fellow Granite Staters on Saturday, April 29, 2017 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm in front of the NH State House at 107 N. Main Street, Concord to show your support for Rochester resident and decorated U.S. Marine Gerald (Jerry) DeLemus, and for President Donald Trump.

Jerry was arrested by FBI agents in March, 2016 and transported to Nevada on a charge in connection with the 2014 tense standoff involving Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy. The Bundy ranch is located 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas. Bureau of Land Management agents confiscated Bundy’s cattle over grazing rights and the Bundy family went public with their plight against the government agency, and they gained a network of citizen supporters who flocked to Nevada from across the country to help round up the cattle back to the Bundy ranch.

Jerry remains incarcerated in Nevada without bail, without due process, and without the Constitutional right to a speedy trial. The rally is being held to bring the public’s attention to his plight.

“We believe it is an act of retribution by BLM agents,” said Jack Kimball, former NHGOP Chairman and organizer of the event. “Jerry is a decorated United States Marine who served his country with honor and distinction. He is a man of strong passions with a thirst for freedom. He is a man who cares deeply about community and this country. This is a gross miscarriage of justice for an honorable man who does not deserve this archaic treatment.”

The event is FREE and open to all. Speakers include NH State Representative John A. Burt, Former NHGOP Chairman Jack Kimball, former NH State Representative Susan DeLemus, NH State Representative Dan Itse, Karen Testerman, Omer Ahern, Patriot Pastor Garret Lear, Mike Rogers, and Skip Murphy, Granite Grok. For more information, visit or on Facebook.

New Hampshire’s Own Presidential Inaugural Ball – January 20th

New Hampshire's Inaugural Ball

Purchase your tickets HERE.

Doors open at 6:30 for the cocktail hour with hors d’oeuvres followed by dining at your leisure at Dining Stations which will remain open for up to 2 hours.  Music and dancing from 7:30 to 11:00 with music provided by the B Street Bombers Band.  Jeff Chidester will be Master of Ceremonies. Continue reading New Hampshire’s Own Presidential Inaugural Ball – January 20th

603 Alliance Hosts Issues Briefing Summit

Summit of Mt. Washington

For Immediate Release
Contact: Fran Wendelboe
603 Alliance
submitted by Di Lothrop

Concord (August 1, 2016) – The 603 Alliance is hosting an Issues Briefing Summit on Wednesday, August 10, 2016 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm at the Bektash Shrine Center Function Hall, 189 Pembroke Road, Concord, NH.

The 603 Alliance seeks to unite like-minded voters behind the most viable conservative candidate promoting liberty, free enterprise, and personal responsibility.

The Summit is open to all new Republican candidates who are running for election to the New Hampshire State House.

The purpose of this Summit is to assist new state representative candidates by informing them of the legislative action last year in the House, and giving them a quick overview of issues that will keep them well-informed when they hit the campaign trail.

Registration is required: There is no charge to attend.  A light supper will be provided.  Register online here:


or send e-mail to with your first and last name, and email address.  Deadline to register is Monday, August 8, 2016.

Ted Cruz — Thank You

Thank you.

Thank you to the more than 317,000 of you who signed up to volunteer with this campaign — who made hundreds of thousands of phone calls, knocked on tens of thousands of doors, and spread the word to everyone you know in person and online. Together we assembled a grassroots army unlike anything seen in modern times.

Thank you to the 900,000+ of you who made over 1.5 million contributions averaging around $60. Together we shocked the political world by raising north of $90 million.


Thank you to the thousands of you who joined our Strike Forces in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Wisconsin, and Indiana. Together we built an unrivaled GOTV operation.

Continue reading Ted Cruz — Thank You

603 Alliance Position On New Hampshire 2016 Political Races


At this time, The 603 Alliance has not endorsed any candidate in the 2016 elections, aside from our endorsement of Ted Cruz for President following his victory in our Grassroots Presidential Selection Caucus last October.  Later this year, we will be endorsing and promoting a number of candidates whose words and actions have been consistent with the principles set forth in our founding documents, including the United States Constitution and the New Hampshire Constitution.

However, The 603 Alliance will not necessarily take a position in every contest.  In any given race, if there is no candidate who clearly aligns with the principles of free people, free markets, and constitutional government; then The 603 Alliance will refrain from endorsing any candidate in that race.  In any case, we do not expect to endorse any candidates until the filing period for candidacy has passed.

Continue reading 603 Alliance Position On New Hampshire 2016 Political Races

Carly Fiorina Endorses Ted Cruz for President

MIAMI, FL – Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz announced today the endorsement of former Republican Presidential Candidate Carly Fiorina during a rally in Miami, Florida.

“Carly Fiorina is a strong, principled leader and woman of faith,” said Cruz. “Our campaign is stronger with her leadership and her voice. Her story embodies the promise that in America anyone can start as a secretary and become a Fortune 50 CEO. Carly speaks the truth with courage, doesn’t back down to the Washington powerbrokers, and terrifies Hillary and the Democrats. We are blessed to have her support, and together I am confident we will continue to unite conservatives so that every American has the opportunity to achieve the unimaginable.”

“Ted Cruz is a fearless fighter for our constitutional rights. He has spent his life protecting Americans’ God-given liberties, and he has always stood by his word. Unlike the status-quo political class in D.C., Ted Cruz didn’t cower when he got to Washington – he stood unequivocally for the American people. I know Ted, and he’ll do the same as president,” said Carly Fiorina.

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