603 Alliance Attends Rockingham County GOP Freedom Founders Dinner

2015 Rockingham County Freedom Founders Dinner

Conservative Business League (CBL), the sister organization to the 603 Alliance purchased a table at the Rockingham County Republican Committee Freedom Founders Dinner on Saturday, May 30, 2015 at the Executive Court Conference Center in Manchester.   Among the dignitaries in attendance were keynote speaker and presidential candidate, Governor Scott Walker, former NH Governor John H. Sununu, U.S. Congressman Frank Guinta, NHGOP Chairwoman Jennifer Horn, and many state Senate and House members.

CBL received special mention in the event program and the table was in a prominent and visible position at the dinner.  Thank you to the 603 Alliance and CBL steering committee members who were in attendance to give credence to the fact that 603 Alliance and CBL supports GOP functions.

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Littleton GOP Presentation


The second of the series of the 603 Alliance/CBL presentations was well received at the Littleton Republican Town Committee meeting on Thursday, May 21, 2015 in Littleton, NH.

Members welcomed speakers for the 603 Alliance and CBL Andrew Hemingway and Fran Wendleboe, and the steering committee members in attendance.  Judging by the many interesting questions and subsequent discussions from the audience, it was obvious that the concept of the 603 Alliance and CBL was supported by the attendees.

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Northborough TEA Party Presentation

Audience questions
Questions and answers

603 Alliance and CBL-NH, LLC members made a presentation to the Northborough, MA Tea Party group on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 at the Northborough Free Library.  Jim Kofalt, Diane Bitter and Mike Rogers explained how the 603 Alliance and CBL-NH got started and the goals of the “sister” organizations to restore Constitutional principles in all levels of government and to educate and unite like-minded conservatives in support of candidates who will further these principles.  With almost 45 NTP members present who were there by special invitation, kudos to Jim, Diane, and Mike who fielded the dozens of questions from the audience with exemplary aplomb.

Continue reading Northborough TEA Party Presentation

Politico’s Spin on the 603 Alliance

As you know, it takes all kinds, particularly in politics.  Here’s Politico contributor Ben Schreckinger’s spin on our newly formed 603 Alliance:

New Hampshire conservatives plan anti-Jeb Bush caucus

[Politico.com] Taking aim at Jeb Bush, a group of leading New Hampshire conservatives and libertarians are preparing to stage their own caucus three months before the state’s first-in-the-nation primary — and then unify behind the winner.

Sick of the string of centrist GOP-ers who’ve dominated the state’s primary in recent years — including John McCain (twice) and Mitt Romney — conservatives and libertarians are hoping to defy the conventional wisdom that the Granite State is moderate-friendly turf between the evangelical-dominated Iowa caucuses and socially conservative South Carolina. Continue reading Politico’s Spin on the 603 Alliance

Press Release: 603 Alliance shares goals for 2016


Contact: Donna Slack
Phone (for confirmation only) 603-433-9850

603 Alliance shares goals for 2016.

The 603 Alliance, a newly-formed organization of grassroots political activists, will present their goals and objectives to interested voters in the Portsmouth area on June 2nd.

This informational meeting is being sponsored by the Seacoast Republican Women on Tuesday, June 2, 2015, at the Portsmouth Library, 175 Parrott Ave., Portsmouth, in the Levenson Room at 6:30 pm. Admission is free.

The primary objective of the 603 Alliance is to positively influence the New Hampshire First-in-the-Nation Presidential Primary Election on February 9, 2016.

The stated goal of the 603 Alliance “is to restore constitutional control at all levels of government and to unite like-minded voters behind the most viable candidate promoting liberty, free enterprise, free markets, and personal responsibility.” The ultimate goal of the 603 Alliance is to support one candidate who meets the principles of the Alliance.

For additional information about the 603 Alliance, go to their website at www.603alliance.org. For additional information about this event, email: nhsrw.programs@gmail.com

Why it’s so hard for conservatives to unify behind one candidate

Why it’s so hard for conservatives to unify behind one candidate

[CBSNews.com] The field of announced Republican candidates has recently doubled to six, with the entry of Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, and Mike Huckabee. When you add the candidates who are almost certain to soon join the race–Jeb Bush, Gov. Scott Walker, Rick Perry, and Gov. Chris Christie–and the others who might, the field will be big enough to fill an airport shuttle van. The stage at the first Fox News debate in early August will have so many people on it, the organizers may need to put everyone on bleachers.

The Republican presidential pageant is vastly more diverse than the Democratic coronation. The GOP field includes a female CEO, a black surgeon, two Cuban Americans, a lawyer, and a preacher.
Continue reading Why it’s so hard for conservatives to unify behind one candidate