SAVE THE DATE: Activist Conference & Mike Lindell Dinner (July 24)

Mark the date on your calendar: on July 24th, the 603 Alliance will be hosting an all-day conference for right-of-center activists in New Hampshire.  We’ll be inviting other grassroots groups from around the state to join us for a day of networking, educational sessions, and great speakers. Come join us and get involved with taking back our state and our country!

We’ll also be holding an evening fundraising dinner, featuring Mike Lindell,  the Pillow Guy!

Mike Lindell is best known as the inventor and CEO of MyPillow, but his influence doesn’t stop there. He is now well known as an author, executive producer, crusader, and genuine Patriot dedicated to preserving election integrity in the United States.

Since the 2020 election, Mike Lindell has devoted his efforts to exposing the terrible injustices which occurred. His documentary “Absolute Proof” has already been viewed over 150 million times, and he recently released even more compelling evidence through “Scientific Proof,” a follow-up documentary with additional facts proving the 2020 election was the biggest cyber crime in world history.

Mike Lindell is a dedicated Christian who participates in many philanthropic causes. His amazing online platform the Lindell Recovery Network helps struggling addicts find hope, restoration, and the love of Jesus.

STAY TUNED:  We’re working through the final details with the venue, and we expect tickets to go on sale sometime this week!




URGENT: TAKE ACTION to STOP Unconstitutional Judges

Last year, a NH Superior Court judge ruled that “the Governor may suspend or limit Constitutional rights during a state of emergency.” (To read the full court decision, click here.)  It’s disturbing that any judge would issue a legal decision like that, – but what’s even more disturbing is that the person who devised the argument has now been nominated to be a judge on the NH Superior Court!

Here’s the background: NH Solicitor General Daniel Will wrote the Binford Objection.  In that document, he was making a case (on behalf of the executive branch) that Constitutional rights may be suspended.  That ultimately persuaded the NH Superior Court to render that anti-Constitutional decision.  Recently Daniel Will was nominated by Governor Sununu to sit on that same court, making the NH Superior Court an even bigger Constitutional threat.

For a COMPLETE ANALYSIS of Daniel Will’s hearing including his deceptive response to legitimate concerns about his anti-Constitutional stance, click here.

We must prevent Daniel Will from being approved to join the Superior Court, where he could potentially sit for decades, further trashing our Constitutional rights.  The Executive Council will vote this Wednesday on his nomination, so they need to hear from you TODAY (TUESDAY).

Please call and e-mail all five of the executive councilors and tell them we need our judges defending the constitution, not undermining it. Ask them to say “no” to Dan Will’s nomination and urge the governor to find nominees that respect our rights.