You may have seen some recent news about endorsements by 603 Alliance board members in the 2022 race for New Hampshire’s 1st Congressional District. We’d like to clarify our organization’s position with respect to endorsements, as we suspect that our conflicting endorsements in this particular race may invite some unwarranted speculation.
The 603 Alliance is guided by our mission of restoring Constitutional principles at all levels of government. We share a common philosophy about what it means to participate in the process and how we can support each other in being effective in fulfilling that mission.
Having said that, we don’t necessarily share a monolithic worldview. In the past, the we have on occasion issued endorsements as an organization. When we do so, our Board takes a formal vote, which is generally preceded by careful deliberation and discussion. In those cases, we are very clear that such endorsements come from the 603 Alliance.
For other races, however, we prefer to remain neutral as an organization. In that event, we generally opt to release board members to make their own personal endorsements. This has been the case for the 2022 CD1 race.
As a result, board members Diane Bitter and Fran Wendelboe have chosen to endorse Matt Mowers; whereas Jim Kofalt has opted to endorse Karoline Leavitt. Additional endorsements may be forthcoming from other board members. Although our affiliation with 603 Alliance may be cited when an endorsement is announced, the endorsements we’re making in the CD1 race are personal opinions and should not be interpreted as an endorsement by the 603 Alliance as an organization.
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at