All posts by James Kofalt

Inaugural Gala Raises Nearly $5000 for Veterans

On Friday, January 20th, the 603 Alliance hosted “New Hampshire’s Own Presidential Inaugural Gala” in Concord, NH. Jeff Chidester was our Master of Ceremonies, and music was provided by the B-Street Bombers. Attendees enjoyed food, drinks, and dancing as they watched live updates from the celebrations in Washington, DC.

WMUR was on the scene to cover the event. Watch the video and read the WMUR article here. Alan Glassman was on hand as our photographer, and has posted the full album of event photos on Facebook.

This event raised nearly $5000 for the Liberty House Veterans , which provides a safe, supportive, housing community for American veterans transitioning out of homelessness.

URGENT Call to Action: Support Frank Edelblut for Commissioner of Education

Frank Edelblut has been nominated by Governor Sununu to be New Hampshire’s next Commissioner of Education. Frank is a strong proponent of good government and a staunch school choice advocate. He will provide a much-needed change and set a positive direction at the state’s Department of Education. But your help is needed to make sure his nomination is approved.

Next Tuesday is the nomination hearing, and the Executive Council is scheduled to vote on Wednesday. The unions are making an all-out push to block the approval of this nomination. If we don’t make our voices heard, Frank’s appointment to this critically important position may be at risk.

TAKE ACTION TODAY (please consider taking all of the following actions):

  1. Call the Executive Council office at 603-271-3632 and register your SUPPORT for Frank Edelblut’s nomination as Commissioner of Education. (Many people have reported getting a “mailbox is full” message”. If this happens, please wait a while and try again.
  2. Send an e-mail to simply stating that you support Frank Edleblut’s nomination. Click the email address to send an e-mail, and be sure to add your name and town of residence to the e-mail.
  3. Contact your Executive Councilor directly. Click here to find out who your Executive Councilor is and how to contact them.
  4. If possible, attend the hearing next Tuesday at 1 PM at the State House to show your support.

Saturday: Army/Navy Game Fundraiser

libertyhouselogoOn Saturday, December 10th, friends of the Liberty House Veterans Transitional House will host a gathering of patriots to watch the annual ARMY-NAVY football game.  The event will start at 2:30PM, and will take place at Murphy’s Taproom in Manchester.   This 2nd annual gathering will serve as a fundraiser with all of the proceeds going to The Liberty House – which provides a safe, supportive, housing community for American veterans transitioning out of homelessness.  For more information and to reserve tickets, visit Eventbrite.  To make a donation directly to Liberty House, visit their donation page.


Trevor Loudon Visits NH: Movie Premiere “The Enemies Within”

Enemies Within PosterOn Friday, September 16th, the 603 Alliance will host renowned author and filmmaker Trevor Loudon for the New Hampshire premiere showing of his new movie The Enemies Within.

The Enemies Within is based on Trevor Loudon’s book of the same name.  In it, Mr. Loudon exposes the radical anti-American connections of many  of the people in our government and explores the implications of their efforts to gut our military and to destroy the economic prosperity needed to sustain America’s leadership role in the world.

After the movie presentation, Trevor Loudon will give a short presentation and will take questions from the audience.  A cash bar will also be open for the duration of event.

Join the 603 Alliance at the Crowne Plaza in Nashua (2 Somerset Pkwy, Nashua, NH) at 7:00 PM on Friday, September 16th.  Tickets are $10 per person, with proceeds to benefit the 603 Alliance.  Cash payment will be accepted at the door, or tickets can be purchased online via credit card using the following link.  (RSVP is not required but is appreciated!)

To BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW or to RSVP, click here.

For more information, e-mail or contact Event Manager, Di Lothrop at 603-864-9287.

Listen to our Radio Ad:

Five Days in Cleveland

Several members of the 603 Alliance served as alternate delegates to the GOP Convention in July.  603 Alliance co‑founder Diane Bitter offers her personal recollections of attending the convention in Cleveland:

On our way to Cleveland, the “buzz” was — this is going to be historic.  Was it?  Yes, it was!2016-07-22 04 44 35

How so?  The atmosphere was electric.  The energy level was so high that it was palpable.   It was well-organized, professional, and planned to precision.  The speakers were selected purposefully — they made us laugh, but they also made us cry.

What was NOT there?

Violence:  There was none.  In that massive hall with all of those different points of view, with thousands of Republicans from all over the nation, the respect for each other was powerfully evident.  Opinions were strong, but civility prevailed.

Everyone was given a voice and we all expressed our approval or rejection — in keeping with our principles.  But EACH voice was respected.

Dissension:  Those with different points of view were given an opportunity to voice their principles, but in the end, all united for the common good.

What impressions will I always keep with me from this Convention?

  1. The SECURITY.  A feeling of total security was with us the entire time.  The many police officers who patrolled the area were so reassuring.  Although it was a bother to have to go through the many levels of the security necessary to enter the convention hall, the friendly, warm way in which each officer handled his job was a joy to us.  We thanked them often — sometimes with our loud applause as they rode by.
  2. The extreme friendliness of the people of Cleveland. They welcomed us and urged us to enjoy their city.  They genuinely made us feel at home.  (Especially the uber drivers.)
  3. The Delegates, Alternates, and Guests at the Convention. Without fail, everyone I met — many for the first time — was open and positive and upbeat.  Tired as we were, there was always a spirit of camaraderie among the attendees.  Everyone was ready to lend a hand when needed or to stop for a brief chat.  Exchanging stories AND pins with delegates from different states was a favorite activity.  And, of course, the opportunity to connect with friends from past lives in other parts of this great nation was a big plus.
  4. The Candidates. All of them!  The losers and the winners.  Men and women of great integrity and principle.  We are very blessed to be among such principled, like-minded Republicans.  May we be blessed enough to see our leaders sworn into office in November and to witness the rejuvenation of America.

The 2016 RNC Convention is one that I will always remember and I am so happy that I was able to attend to experience this new wave of national spirit.  It gave me a fresh insight into the future and I look forward to the 2016 election with courage and high expectations.

– Diane Bitter

603 Alliance Endorsements

In an ambitious undertaking, the 603 Alliance held private interview sessions on June 29 and 30 for Republican candidates running in the New Hampshire Primary for the US Senate, CD1, CD2, and Gubernatorial seats.

Members of the 603 Alliance, including grassroots leaders and activists from across New Hampshire, met with each candidate separately in an undisclosed conference room in the Concord area, where each interview was conducted by a member of the 603 Alliance Steering Committee, based on the questions submitted by the attendees prior to the session.

The primary objective of this format was for the members to see the candidates in a more relaxed setting, free of the usual stump speeches and prepared comments. In this “give-and-take” conversation, the attendees were able to evaluate each candidate’s character traits, including his or her personal attributes, integrity, and personality. The candidate’s positions on specific issues were also probed.

All of the major candidates in these four races participated. Following the sessions, the attendees responded by completing an evaluation form ranking their impressions for each candidate, based on their performance. The evaluations were then compiled and reviewed by the 603 Alliance Steering Committee.

The results of this summary were thoroughly reviewed and carefully examined to determine their accuracy. The task was complex and difficult; but in the final analysis, there were some clear winners as determined by this group of conservative activists.

The gubernatorial race features four candidates vying for this position — Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas, State Senator Jeanie Forrester, Executive Councilor Chris Sununu, and State Representative Fred Edelblut. Ted Gatsas scored high marks for the work he has done as Mayor of New Hampshire’s largest town, Manchester. Jeanie Forrester’s work in the New Hampshire Senate has earned her much praise, and Executive Councilor Chris Sununu is well-liked for many of his positions, including his stance on repealing Obamacare. However, the candidate who scored highest in all categories was Representative Frank Edelblut. Representative Edelblut was most closely aligned to the principles of limited government that the 603 Alliance holds in high regard.

The 603 Alliance has voted to endorse Frank Edelblut for the Gubernatorial race in New Hampshire.

In the primary race for the U.S. Senate seat, the candidates being interviewed were the incumbent, sitting Senator Kelly Ayotte, and her challenger, former State Senator, Jim Rubens. The analysis of the interviews for both Ayotte and Rubens was very different. Senator Ayotte’s scores reflect the disappointment that many conservatives expressed for her positions during her term in the Senate. Senator Rubens record is strong in several areas reflecting his term in the NH Senate; but there are also areas where grassroots activists differ from him on several issues, including the causes of global warming. Although the 603 Alliance is not currently endorsing either candidate, the group favors Senator Rubens due to his closer alignment with the principles of limited government.

As with the Senate race, each of the Congressional Districts featured two major candidates, and those were included in the interview process.

For CD2, interviews were conducted for Representative Jack Flanagan and Representative Jim Lawrence. During these intimate interview sessions, the contrast between these two candidates was quite clear. The scores recorded for Jim Lawrence far exceeded those for Jack Flanagan. Therefore, the 603 Alliance will endorse Jim Lawrence for CD2.

The remaining race, CD1, was the most difficult to determine. Long discussions and much analysis were required to come to a decision. In fact, the ratings were very close and it was a tough call to make. Both Rich Ashooh and Frank Guinta possess fine attributes that make either of them excellent candidates for the office of U.S. Congress. In fact, each of these candidates scored as high as, or higher than, any of the ten candidates interviewed. After much discussion, the 603 Alliance is favoring Congressman Frank Guinta and will be supporting him in this race.

The 603 Alliance understands its commitment to the principles on which the Alliance is founded and has made these calls accordingly. We trust that our decisions will be of some assistance to our members in making their decisions when voting in the Primary Election, but we also urge our members to exercise their own judgments and arrive at their own, best decisions when entering the voting booth on September 13.

Washington Post: Heidi Cruz is the high-powered political spouse we’ve rarely seen since Hillary Clinton

2016-01-07 18 44 44When Heidi and Ted Cruz went to the Atlanta suburbs to campaign a few weeks ago, she perfectly played the role of political spouse: a loving gaze for her husband as he spoke, hands on the shoulders of their two daughters, beaming smiles for supporters.

A few days earlier, during a solo swing through Missouri, Heidi Cruz made clear that her other identity — hard-charging career woman with ambitions of her own — was never far from her mind.

Read the whole story here…