Tag Archives: Ted Cruz

Perry Endorses Cruz: “Consistent Conservative”

“A good listener who respects the Tenth Amendment”

Perry-AP-PhotoTells DC they’ll learn to deal with Cruz because “He means what he says!”

From the Politico story:

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry is endorsing Ted Cruz in the Republican presidential primary, Perry told POLITICO in an interview Sunday night.

Perry, who also sought the GOP nomination before dropping out in September, said he now sees the race as one that is between Cruz, a fellow Texan, and Donald Trump. Through phone calls and during a December day spent driving around his Round Top, Texas, home in his truck with Cruz, Perry said he found the senator to be a good listener who respects the Tenth Amendment, “knows what he does not know” and is more conservative than Trump.

Cruz-CNBC-Debate“Of those individuals who have a chance to win the Republican primary, at this juncture, from my perspective, Ted Cruz is by far the most consistent conservative in that crowd,” Perry said. “And that appears to be down to two people.”

Perry will join Cruz campaigning in Iowa tomorrow and Wednesday, and will join with Cruz and Congressman Steve King for a rally in Des Moines on Wednesday evening.

“You’ll have with Ted Cruz […] senators and others in the Washington establishment that are mad at him, find him to be hard to work with, they will find a way to work with him because they know he means what he says he means,” he said.

Perry also said that he is confident Cruz would be prepared for the job, and that he is a far different person than the media caricature of of the Senator: Keep reading….

Cruzin To Victory At Exeter Town Hall

GrokTV on location – Ted Cruz’ bus tour stopped at the historic Exeter Town Hall where Lincoln spoke in 1860

Ted Cruz’ NH “Cruzin to Victory” bus tour came to Exeter’s historic town hall this morning, where he gave a rousing performance – this campaign has certainly honed his skills!

First, introductions by Bill O’Brien and Bob Smith, and a short video…

Second, Cruz delivered his stump speech, painting his vision for America in bold colors, and with a good dose of humor…

Followed by Q&A, Quotes from Reagan, Scripture, Heinlein, and Thatcher, and a call to action – listen and hear when he means by “voting ten times!”

Richard Viguerie’s Conservative HQ Endorses Cruz

Viguerie I Endorse Ted Cruz for President.
What Are We Conservatives Waiting For?
By Richard A. Viguerie, CHQ Chairman

To take the White House in 2016 Republicans must nominate a candidate who we know will govern according to constitutional principles, who is capable of drawing a clear contrast with Hillary Clinton and the Democrats on the issues of importance in today’s political environment, and who has the brains, talent and discipline to fight Hillary Clinton and win. That candidate is Senator Ted Cruz of Texas.
Read the original

The Biggest Shoe In Iowa Drops – For Cruz!

Ted Cruz has been building momentum in several key states lately, and seems to be benefiting, especially amongst evangelicals, from the decline of Ben Carson’s poll numbers.

Over at GraniteGrok.com, this morning, Steve noted that, “Cruz is in the best position to win Iowa right now and if he gets the Vander Platts endorsement he will own Iowa.

Make it so, Mr Cruz, Make it so…….

HOUSTON, Texas — Bob Vander Plaats, President and CEO of the FAMiLY LEADER, today announced his endorsement of Ted Cruz for President. The influential conservative leader, who has lent his support to the last two winners of the Iowa Caucus, is considered by many to be a key endorsement amongst Iowa Caucus goers, particularly with evangelicals and strong conservatives.

According to Vander Plaats, “Today is the culmination of a months long process that was deliberative, intensive, and covered in prayer from start to finish. I am confident that Ted Cruz is the right man for the job, and look forward to working with Iowans in every corner of the state to help him win the Iowa Caucus on February 1st.”

Slowly, slowly, catchee Trumpee – Cruz is building momentum the old-fashioned way!

Politico: “Ted Cruz has an increasingly clear path to [GOP] Nomination”

603 Caucus (L Wickett) (24) We have previously mentioned Cruz’ superior organizing and fundraising skills, coupled with a low cash burn rate – now, the results of that effort are beginning to scare the Establishment and other campaigns.

From Politico’s story on Cruz’ improving chances:

He has more cash than any other Republican candidate. He is organized in every county in the first four voting states. And he has served up one strong debate performance after the next.

Now, not three months from primary season, rivals concede they have begun to fear Ted Cruz has an increasingly clear path to the Republican nomination. “Anybody who thinks differently,” said an operative with a rival 2016 campaign, “is lying to you.” Continue reading Politico: “Ted Cruz has an increasingly clear path to [GOP] Nomination”

Ted Cruz Files At The State House

Thanks to all of you who came out on a rainy November morning, there was a heckuva turnout for Ted Cruz’ filing at the State House this week, and a couple of history lessons, too – I like the way Secretary Gardner did not just deliver his usual short history of the First In The Nation primary, but also referenced an earlier visit by Rafael Cruz, talked about Ted’s senior thesis, and showed a copy of NH’s first proposed amendment to the US Constitution – which became the TENTH Amendment!

Press interview and joint Press Conference with 603 Alliance….